- Announcement, AgendaSave the date: PhD integration day, January 31On January 31, 2025Grenoble - Centre ville
- Newsletter CBH Graduate School January 2025Find out more
- Equality in Science: Women, Men, together to break the glass ceiling.Find out more
- Integration Day - September 12, 2024! Meeting at 9:30 am in front of the Amphithéatre Louis Weil Place centrale 38400 Saint-Martin-d'Hères.Find out more
- Want to develop your career but not sure where to start? Are you interested in being mentee and supported by an experienced mentor? Apply to the CBH Graduate School mentorship program in association with Labex Arcane and...Find out more
- Summer School 2024: The CO2 Challenge: How to reduce Carbon Footprint?From June 17, 2024 to June 21, 2024Summer School 2024The CO2 Challenge: How to reduce Carbone Footprint?June 17-June 21, 2024Find out more
- May 24 will mark the 20th anniversary of the 'Health Engineering' Master’s degree at Grenoble Alpes University.Find out more
- BioSpher'Alpes and the Grenoble Biotechnology Student Association are organising the "IS: What's Next?" evenings on March 18, 19 and 20. The idea is to bring together students and graduates of Grenoble's Health Engineeri...Find out more
- on March 14 and 15, two sessions will take place to present thesis subjects funded in Grenoble by CBH Graduate School including GRAL and ARCANE programsFind out more
- On 25 January, a webinar will be open to all women in science doctorates and post-docs wishing to apply for the Bourses Jeunes Talents France from L'Oréal for Women in Science.Find out more
- To celebrate the end of the year, we invited all our Master's scholarship holders to a festive dinner last nightFind out more
- We were present at the PhD Student Welcome Day, organized by the Doctoral College, to introduce ourselves to the ED CSV studentsFind out more
- We have supported and participated to the Forum Biotechno Aura 2023 organized by Glob'Alps association on November 13, 2023 at Grenoble.Find out more
- Revisit the Gala evening of CBH Graduate School master students!Find out more
- During this escape game discover the campus of Saint-Martin d'Hères with other students in Master. Take part in a giant treasure hunt, solve the riddles by teams! Participation is free of charge but on registration befor...Find out more
- Dicover the testimonial of Ali Nasrallah, PhD student at IRIG/BGE/Biomics laboratory.Find out more
- Discover the testimonies of our participants of the summer school 2022 "Health and research in the 21st century" about health crisis managementFind out more
- The CBH Graduate School has participated in the Choose France! Education and Career Fair ASEAN organized by Campus France. An online presentation was done for students from nine Asian countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, ...Find out more
- We were very happy to welcome you for the CBH integration day of Master 1 students.You were 92 going in search of the last dragon eggs across the Campus of Saint Martin d'Hères! Thank you for your participation to this...Find out more
Published on November 21, 2023
Updated on January 26, 2024
Updated on January 26, 2024