Marah SAD - IAB and IBS
Thesis: Exploring The Inhibition Of Poly-Adenosine Polymerase As A New Therapeutic Approach For The Treatment of Human Diseases
Abstract: My research project is about studying the structure of human PAP enzyme, its interactions to other partners, and its druggability to evaluate its therapeutic
potential to treat cancer. Self-presentation.
"I am Marah, a PhD student at Université Grenoble Alpes, holding a bachelor degree in Pharmacy and pharmaceutical chemistry and a master degree in structural biology of pathogens. The reason behind choosing this research project is my passion about structure-based drug design field where I can combine my dual backgrounds in pharmacy and structural biology. Moreover, contributing to targeted therapy in cancer disease forms for me a great life achievement due to cancer history in my family. Thanks to the CBH Graduate School who finance my thesis project, I can dive into my dream project for three years. In addition to that, the CBH integration activities, trainings and summer schools facilitate a lot our life as students in Grenoble and add so much fun to our scientific research journey. My ambition is to continue in this field of research in academia or in the private sector."
Published on February 9, 2024 Updated on February 9, 2024
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