Scholarships for your study or internship in a partner university
Each year, the Chemistry Biology Health Graduate School (CBH GS) will select some of its students to allocate them a scholarship, in order to support their mobility projects.
Grants to support outgoing mobility for Master's students within the scope of the CBH GS for short periods of mobility (between 2 and 6 months) can be offered in addition to other funding (Erasmus, AuRA Region...).
Please note that to be eligible :
- the study project in a partner university must be validated by the international relations coordinator of your faculty.
- the internship abroad must be a research internship validated by your head of program and notified to the international relations coordinator of your faculty.
- you must apply for other fundings (Erasmus, AuRa region ...).
The amount of assistance will vary according to the distance, the destination and other funding obtained.
In return for this grant, you agree to share your experience on the CBS GS website and on social networks, and to act as an ambassador for CBH Graduate School abroad.
For Master's students :
To find out more about our terms and conditions, please see our file in French : Aide à la mobilité EUR Chimie Biologie Santé Master
Please contact your master's international coordinator for further information.
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