Last July 7, 2021 Chemistry Biology Health Graduate School organized the first Gala Evening. It was a festive evening to celebrate the end of the Master's studies of Biology, Chemistry GDP, Health Engineering and STAPS and put forward the actions of the students and the associations.
The event continued by a friendly drink at the Belle Electrique Bar.
Some pictures bellow :
Keynote Speeches by Marc Oddon UGA- Vice President of "Continuing education, apprenticeship and professional integration", Anne Milet Director of Chemistry Biology Health Graduate School and Michel Sève, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy.
Presentation of the Student Offices of the Chemistry and Biology Master and IntEGre association (integration of international students).
Testimony of a high level sports student, international students, a student-entrepreneur in M2 Health Engineering Phonix Health Project: Fight against screen addiction.
Presentation of the association of doctoral students from the ED CSV: Glob'Alps, from the ED ISCE.
MT 180 by Damien Mouchel dit Leguerrier - PhD - DCM (CNRS / UGA) "Synthesis of redox-active complexes for medical imaging" and
Camille Brunet PhD TIMC (CNRS/UGA) : " Modes and mechanisms of environmental survival of Francisella "
Awards ceremony: Photo contest 2021 " Campus 2021 under COVID ", Summer School 2021 Shape the future "Thinking together to share energy" and Quiz of the evening: awarding of prizes to the winning team
Friendly drink offered to the participants outside on the Belle Electrique deck
Credits photo : Pierre Jayet
Published on November 21, 2023 Updated on November 24, 2023
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